Sunday 4 August 2013

The journey to becoming a successful blogger


Thanks for visiting my blogging space. Today I want to go over some tips and strategies for successful blogging and reaching as many people as possible. I will be applying many of these strategies in the future when I go to prepare a blog post. My goal for blogging is to disseminate, listen to the community, learn from community response and use this information to better augment my future blogging endeavors (speak-listen-learn)

What are some strategies and elements that make up a successful blog?

1. Punctuation, spelling and Grammar
This one is pretty basic, ensure you use proper word in the proper way spelled correctly. No one is going to read a blog which is littered with inconsistent English

2.       Graphics and other “eye catching” elements
Images will always grab the reader’s attention; generally make sure the images are somewhat relevant to the subject of the blog.

3.       Bullet points
·         They attract the reader’s attention. You were likely drawn straight to these bullet points when you first opened this article.
·         They make referencing key points much easier
·         Data looks more simple and easier for the reader to understand

·         Can make the overall layout cleaner and more professional

4.       “Be there”
When someone responds to your blog via a comment, be sure to reply to it, this is actively engaging in the community which can raise your blogs audience numbers – not only this, but it shows the audience that you care about community input.

5.       Be original and have interesting content
You want your blog to stand out from the others? You need to be creative, offer a read that no other blog offers, have a very controversial topic or a discussion on a current event.

6.       Have a great headline title
You want the first thing a reader to see is your title, so make it in a way that ensures it grabs there attention straight up.

7.       Get your blog out there
If no one knows your blog exists, no one will check it out – makes sense, right? Disseminating your blog is the process of “spreading word” of your blog; this could be either through Facebook, MySpace, twitter, email or even in person. The more people who know about your blog the more people will visit.

With these strategies in hand I hope to create a highly inspiring blog space for readers and to actively participate in the community. Some blogs I find interesting to read are Ditto Music Blog. Obviously judging from the title it is a blogging space for the latest news on everything related to music, I find it a good blog as it is regularly posted to and comments are generally replied to from the blogger in a short amount of time - these two things i find very important in a blog, a blog isn't just a random area for you to vent, it's a way to reach a vast community of others where you can share ideas, make friends or just sit down and write a journal of whatever happened in your day to day life... OK so it may also be a place to vent.


  1. The bullet points did catch my eye..never thought about it like that..that is useful..great

  2. Great info. The bullet point thing stood out for me as well. The formatting between 6 and 7 is a little weird. Is it supposed to be like that?

    1. It inst supposed to be like that, but even after playing around with it for a while it didn't change the formatting.
